My earliest memories of loving to write were as a 6th grader, deciding one nice spring day to sit alone under a tree during recess and write a short story that I had been contemplating.  I was so wrapped up in penning my story into my notebook that I recall looking up to see that my classmates were gone from the field, for recess had ended 30 minutes prior. I was seriously late for class!

I’ve thought about starting a usability blog for a long time.  Topics to write about cross my mind frequently, but there is too much to say in only 140 characters, however, so I post nothing and move on.  My wife, Aviva, finally decided to start her own blog on balancing her life as a mother and educator and now a usability consultant.  Perhaps that is enough inspiration for me to actually start my own blog.

I’ve applied the title “DC Usability” in order to remind myself to keep this blog Lebsontech-focused.  I can’t promise that this will always be the case, but to whatever extent possible, I’d like to keep it in the work realm.